Saturday, November 27, 2004

Care Packages

Below is a list of stuff that I'd love to get. Sorry if the list is rather specific and sort of anal, but that's me I guess. I hope this list isn't too presumptuous as I would be happy to get even just a postcard from all of you.

CARE Packages – packages must be durable! They will be thrown, stepped on, crushed, etc.

--Trail mix with peanuts, chocolate, raisins…and that’s about it (like Target’s Monster Mix)
--Nuts – salted peanuts, honey roasted peanuts or salted cashews only
--Dried fruits – all natural with no sulfur added!
--Poptarts – brown sugar with frosting
--Luna bars – Dulche de leche, Chocolate Over Peppermint, Key Lime Pie, Lemonzest, Smores
--Nature Valley granola bars, especially peanut butter
--Fig Newtons/Newmans
--Salmon or turkey jerkey
--Gummy bears and/or colas
--Sesame sticks
--Pringles – sour cream and onion
--Disposable cameras – 400 speed only!
--Weapons and electronics cleaning stuff - Cans of air (the kind used to clean out electronics), pipe cleaners, Q-tips
--Cheap (old) DVD’s – classic movies (Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, etc.), light popular comedies, stand-up comedy, full seasons of shows (Simpsons, Arrested Development, Northern Exposure, The Family Guy, etc.), History Channel/PBS documentaries, music videos. Prefer no war stuff as there is plenty of that around the barracks!
--Calling cards

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