Saturday, January 08, 2005


My original intent in joining the Guard was to as quickly as possible go to Officer’s Candidate School, ‘do not pass Go, do not collect $200.’ However, things didn’t work out that way and I now find myself a 34-year old, college educated Specialist. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. (FYI, the Army no longer has a direct officer commission program, except for a few very select jobs, for those that join outside of an ROTC program.) On the bad side, I’m basically a ‘full-bird private.’ So I get stuck with details like picking up cigarette butts around the tent and have to pull guard duty regularly, which is sort of sucky (albeit certainly necessary) work. I have little say in anything and often feel like my brain is going to waste, softening as it stews in its own juices.

But there’s definitely a good side. First of all, having just joined, I don’t know crud about how things work around here, but I’m learning (although I do wish that learning curve could be sped up about tenfold). I can’t imagine just showing up one day, a newly minted officer right out of OCS, and trying to then command privates and sergeants who have more time (some with MUCH more time in both the active duty army and/or the Guard) in than I do. So I’m building a good knowledge base, albeit slowly and in between picking up lots of cigarette butts.

Both our squad leader and the company’s commanding officer know about my situation though and have been very supportive and encouraging. Hopefully I’ll submit my OCS application soon, will be accepted (hopefully) in April ‘06, and attend OCS sometime in May/June. Then, as an officer, I’ll have a much better idea of what enlisted guys go through and how best to take care of them.
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