Thursday, June 23, 2005

We do have a few 1025's still with us but they are used only when we don't have enough 1114's to go around. We also have what we call 'cargos' or 'bait trucks' (see photo). These are Humvees with 1025-like add-on kit armor but with a pick-up truck cargo bed, for holding troops. We don't like riding in these at all. After all, we call them 'bait trucks' for a reason. Fully loaded with dismount troops, you have about nine guys in there with not much armor.
Note the bait truck in the photo has both kit armor (the yellowish plates on the seats and seatbacks) and 'hillbilly armor' added on top of that (the black plates with handles at the top that sit over the yellowish kit armor and are sort strapped on). Also note the AC unit mounted on top of the roof of the cab.