Monday, July 04, 2005

We returned to base drenched in sweat but quickly got in line for our 'big BBQ'. The senior NCO's were grilling up hot dogs and burgers for us, which was a nice treat. Standing in line, we held our plastic plates in one hand, shooing squadrons of flies away with the other. Above, Sgt. Stewart, Smitty, Wilson, Timmons, and 'Doc' McKenzie wait for burgers whilest shooing. This is many of these guys' second Fourth away from home (last Fourth they were in Texas training).
Some of the 'terps (interpreters) gathered up money and went out earlier and bought fireworks. One approached me saying, "Hello, I am going to buy fireworkers. Would you like some?" So many of the guys were lighting off roman candles, bottle rockets, sparklers, et al.