Sunday, September 18, 2005
The Wedding Crashers
Bonuses for reenlisting the in Guard these days have risen up to $15,000 for six more years of service. When you sign-up while deployed, that money is tax free. Needless to say, this money has swayed quite a few guys into reenlisting.
The actual reenlistment ceremony is pretty short and simple. But some guys like to have them in more interesting places. The eternal flame is very popular for the ceremonies, some guys chose 'Freedom Tank' (see the last photo in 'Public Art and Signage'), and one guy, our medic SPC McKenzie, even chose the animal market.
Recently one of our sergeants chose to walk right across the street to a local restaurant, or what we thought was a restaurant. This brings me to the story about our crashing a wedding, which I mentioned previously.
The actual reenlistment ceremony is pretty short and simple. But some guys like to have them in more interesting places. The eternal flame is very popular for the ceremonies, some guys chose 'Freedom Tank' (see the last photo in 'Public Art and Signage'), and one guy, our medic SPC McKenzie, even chose the animal market.
Recently one of our sergeants chose to walk right across the street to a local restaurant, or what we thought was a restaurant. This brings me to the story about our crashing a wedding, which I mentioned previously.