Wednesday, November 17, 2010
To my boys in the 116th (on the eve of their redeployment):
- May the days pass quickly
- May the poo water never touch your boots (and certainly not crash over your gunners)
- May the wind be at your backs and the various and sundry smells be downwind
- May your Internet connections be strong and uninterrupted
- May your Kevlar, SAPI plates, and other armors be both thick and in all the right places at the right times
- May your care packages arrive often and each be a cornucopia of goodness
- May you have plenty of time to further memorize more Will Farrell movies
- May you find a way to have a beer here/there
- May your emails and letters from home always bear good news
- And may your deity of choice always be by your side.
Good luck and godspeed gents...